📖 Table of contents
Thanks for applying to join the LACRM team! This document describes the interview process so you know what to expect.
There are a lot of problems with how interviews commonly work in the tech industry. We want to do better. Here are our guiding principles during this interview process:
- Respecting your time - There is a huge power imbalance which often leads to companies wasting applicants' time. We won't ask you to do to more than we think is necessary to help us find the right person for the job.
- Evaluating your ability to do the job - This is a software engineering job, not an algorithms or brainteaser competition. We aren't going to test you on things that are unrelated to the real, day-to-day job you're applying for.
- The job isn't just about tech - The point above says we'll try to evaluate you on your ability to do the job. Interacting with other people (both co-workers and customers) is a part of the job. We're looking for well-balanced people, not just technical geniuses.
- Transparency - The job you're applying for doesn't involve surprises, so there's no reason the interview process should. We're going to explain as much as we can about the process and what we're looking for. If you still have questions after reading this, feel free to ask us for more info.
Our interview will be broken down into three steps: A take-home project, a quick technical interview, and a final interview.
Take-home project
Key details:
- Time commitment: 45-60 minutes if you're experienced with Javascript.
- Languages: Javascript, HTML
- Timeline: We hope that you can finish this within a week of when it's given to you. Please let us know if that won't work with your schedule.
As we mentioned in the philosophy section above, we want to evaluate your ability to do the actual job, not solve brain teasers on a white board. Since the job is building software, we figured that the interview should focus on building software.
We'll send you a simple Javascript project that you can do on your own time. We'll include some starter code, instructions on what we expect your code to do, and instructions on how to submit your code to us.
We realize that a lot of companies assign take-home projects that require an unreasonable time commitment. We've done our best to keep this project as short as possible, and it only requires standard Javascript and HTML, so you won't need to spend any time getting an environment set up, learning a new language, etc.
💡 Tips for succeeding on the take-home project:
- There's no extra credit opportunity here. We want to respect your time, and that means defining exactly what we expect from you. Choosing to do more work than we specifically ask for won't improve your odds of advancing.
- We will be working on this code in the next round of the interview. It's possible to write code that works, but that you don't 100% understand. If you find yourself in that situation, please take the time to make sure you fully understand it.
Assuming the take-home project goes well, we'll move on to the next round...